The vowel sound in pit
The vowel sound in hot
The vowel sound in run
The first vowel sound in ago (schwa)
The vowel sound in bet
The vowel sound in book
The vowel sound in sea and bee
The vowel sound in how
The vowel sound in my
The vowel sound in hair (RP)
The vowel sound in art
The vowel sound in cat
The vowel sound in go
The vowel sound in boy
The vowel sound in tour (RP)
The vowel sound in saw
The vowel sound in girl
The vowel sound in day
The vowel sound in near (RP)
The vowel sound in to
The (voiced) 'th' sound in that
The (unvoiced) 'th' sound in three
The 'ng' sound in hang
The 'ch' sound in cheese
The 'sh' sound in ship
The consonant sound in Joe
The first consontant sound in usually
The 'y' sound in you
The consonant in pie
The consonant in bye
The consonant in pie
The consonant in die
The first consonant in cat
The consonant in go
The consonant in foe
The first consonant in vat
The consonant in so
The consonant in zoo
The consonant in me
The consonant in no
The consonant in hi
The consonant in lie
The consonant in ray
The consonant in we